Industry Guide to Children's Jewelery
- Jewellery

Industry Guide to Children’s Jewelery



This document provides information regarding the safety requirements set out in the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and the Children’s Jewelry Regulations that apply to children’s jewelry that is manufactured, advertised, imported or sold in Canada.

In addition, it explains how the Regulations apply to the lead and cadmium content of children’s jewelry, defines what children’s jewelry is, helps determine which products fall within the scope of the law, and provides information on the analytical methods used to determine the lead and cadmium content in children’s jewelry.

It is not intended to replace, override or limit any requirements under any applicable laws or regulations. In the event of any discrepancy between this summary and the legislative provisions, the latter shall prevail. For more information, contact Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Bureau by email or by phone at 1-866-662-0666 (toll-free in Canada and the United States).

In addition to the requirements specified in the Children’s Jewelery Regulations, these products are subject to the general requirements of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act. Other regulations made under the Act may apply. For more information, see Appendix B .


Children’s jewelry manufactured, imported, advertised or sold in Canada is subject to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Children’s Jewelry Regulations .

In addition to the specific requirements for the products mentioned in this document, it is prohibited to manufacture, import, sell or advertise a consumer product if it “presents a danger to human health or safety. ”, Within the meaning of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act [see paragraphs 7 (a) and 8 (a)].

It is the industry’s responsibility to comply with the law.

Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program manages and enforces the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and related regulations. The enforcement actions taken by product safety officers with respect to nonconforming products depend on the significance of the risk associated with the nonconformity. These measures include industry commitment to bring the product into compliance, negotiation with industry for the voluntary withdrawal of the affected products from the market, product seizure and prosecution under the Canada Safety Act. consumer products. Anyone who manufactures, imports, advertises or sells nonconforming products that cause property damage and injury or result in death may also be subject to legal liability.

jewelery which, by reason of its method of manufacture, size, ornamentation, packaging, advertising or method of sale, is mainly appealing to children under the age of fifteen. Excluded from this definition are badges of merit, medals of achievement and other similar items which, in general, are worn only occasionally.

Table 1 in this document contains examples of children’s jewelry.

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